Environmental & Social Policy 2024
Company Statement & Commitment
The Company is committed to:
Complying with and exceeding where possible all regulations and requirements concerning our environmental duties
Endeavour to continually monitor and improve our environmental performance
Endeavour to improve and monitor our environmental impact
Place importance of environmental matters into business decisions
Strive to continually improve employee awareness of environmental affecting factors through communication and training
We minimise the use of paper in the office by using duplex printers and our electronic document store instead of paper filing, only printing documents when absolutely necessary
We reduce and re-use our packaging materials
We actively seek to find like-minded suppliers with the same environmental ethic as ourselves
Office supplies
We continuously endeavour to find environmentally friendly alternatives to our needs
We fully review the environmental impact of products we intend to buy
We closely monitor usage of our photocopiers and ensure all models are the most efficient available, replacing them on a regular basis
We ascertain the source of manufacture
Each office contains a recycling bin and a waste bin to ensure as much everyday rubbish such as paper, cardboard, bottles, cans etc., is recycled as possible
Empty ink and toner cartridges are recycled
In accordance with WEEE Regulations all end-of-life computers and other IT equipment are recycled
We currently recycle produced used oil to power our heating throughout our company premises
We closely monitor gas and heating oil use
Several of our sites have solar PV panel systems installed
We use fluorescent tubes which are more energy efficient than normal light bulbs
Light and electrical equipment is switched off when not in use
Energy consumption of products is always evaluated prior to our purchasing decisions
Our main franchise John Deere is the supplier of the most fuel efficient tractors in most cases
We promote and support new environmental alternatives to improve the efficiency and decrease emissions of the machinery we sell
We continuously encourage our customers to maintain their machinery and equipment to ensure it runs as efficiently as possible creating the least environmental impact as possible
We are a pioneering dealer of FarmSight & Precision Farming equipment; key efficiency benefits of which are lower fuel use and less fertiliser input
Our trading division Greencrop specialises in the intelligent use of water for farming needs, manufacturing products in the UK
Pressure washers and hoses are used only when necessary
Local sourcing
We source all of our supplies locally wherever possible, including locally sourced produce for catering at events
We support local businesses by using them as suppliers for office equipment and printing etc.
We look to reduce all non-essential travel by encouraging car and van sharing, as well as strategically planning our lorry drop offs and collections
We ensure vehicles purchased have the lowest emissions possible and are also adding electric vehicles to our fleet
We closely monitor vehicle mileage and publish MPG figures monthly
Maintenance and cleaning
We endeavour to purchase the most environmentally friendly products available
We evaluate any potential risks to the environment prior to purchasing new products
Machines that are cleaned within our premises will be cleaned with the correct fluids in the correct area to allow the waste to be filtered into our trapment areas
Waste oil is dealt with in a designated area and transferred in accordance with strict protocol
Storage removal and handling of a hazardous product
All hazardous products are stored in appropriate bunded areas
All hazardous material is only disposed of by trained, competent persons
We are committed to use only registered companies to handle our waste in accordance with current legislation
Social responsibility
We constantly strive to provide a safe and hygienic working environment at all times for staff and visitors
The right of freedom of association is respected and encouraged
We support local agricultural colleges and organisations by regularly delivering talks in-class sessions and provide more than 60 work experience placements for students each year
One of our key aims is to develop young technicians by providing quality specialist training through our Apprentice Scheme
The Company makes regular donations to local charities
Through our internal consultancy service we promote best practice and understanding of Health & Safety requirements to all customers
Monitoring and improvement
Waste movement is recorded with the view to attaining the Government’s target of 60% recycling aim
Waste movement is recorded so that the carbon footprint is reduced and the destination of waste is known
Waste streams are reviewed on a regular basis with a view that constant improvement can be achieved
Quarterly reports on our progression and any arising issues are submitted to the Directors of the Company