Royal Norwich Introduces Turfcare Academy and Business Management Qualification
2 August 2023 Product Updates

Introducing the Royal Norwich International Sports Turf Qualification: a new two-year full-time programme of study that runs in conjunction with the Performance Golf Programme.
Royal Norwich Country & Golf are proud to announce the introduction of our Turfcare Academy and Business Management qualification for students looking to specialise in a golfing background. Upon completion students will receive an internationally recognised certificate in Sports Turf from SRUC Elmwood, St Andrews, Scotland and an ILM Level 2 & 3 in Business Supervision and Management with support from industry leading partners including John Deere providing extensive additional training and support for our students. Giving access to the next generation of systems, services and skills to manage the golf course of the future.
This innovative program combines comprehensive turf management education with specialised business skills, providing a well-rounded foundation for success in this thriving field.
The Turfcare Academy and Business Qualification is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills and hands-on experience necessary to excel in sports turf maintenance and management. From maintaining lush greens to utilising leading edge technology, students will gain a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in creating exceptional golf course conditions.
In addition to these qualifications, the Royal Norwich is delighted to offer the Performance Golf Programme, an exclusive opportunity for students to further enhance their golfing skills. This programme provides a range of exceptional benefits including mid-week unlimited access to the golf course, state-of-the-art swing analysis, 3 x 60-minute coaching sessions delivered by highly skilled instructors and much more!
At the Royal Norwich, they are committed to nurturing the next generation of golf industry professionals. There are two programmes, the Full Player Programme at £4,750 per annum and the Education Only Programme at £3,950 per annum, which does not include the Performance Golf Programme. On-site accommodation is available for students.
Contact for all enquiries and to discuss options available to support your personal career goals.